5 Teas with Amazing Health Benefits






On a recent tea-sourcing trip to Japan, I had the privilege of working with a translator who interprets for many English-speaking businessmen and women in a variety of industries (auto, tech, fishing, etc.) As we were visiting different tea suppliers, she immediately took note of their soft skin, bright eyes, and overall vibrant appearance. The translator asked one of the suppliers, after pointing out what she had noticed, “Is it true that green tea has great health benefits?” The supplier responded yes, and that he drinks two to three cups a day because he notices such a difference in his health.

Different types of tea possess various traits traditionally used to aid in one’s health, wellness and weight management.

Green Tea

Thought to encourage weight loss and overall health, green tea packs a powerful punch. Polyphenols, a type of antioxidant found in green tea, is believed to aid in digestion and weight loss. Try replacing coffee or soda with green tea to up your intake throughout the day.

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha takes green tea to the next level because you are ingesting the entire leaf, rather than just an extraction. As a result, it contains higher levels of polyphenols, flavonoids, catechins and amino acids, allowing you to gain the optimal benefits. Matcha tea is traditionally known for increasing mental alertness and stimulating digestion.

White Tea

Compared with its green, black and oolong tea counterparts, white tea is the least processed leaf, as it is simply picked, steamed, and dried. According to a study done at the Linus Pauling Institute, white tea contains many of the same polyphenols found in green tea, but with a higher content due to its preparation process.

Oolong Tea

Referred to as the “Taiwanese women’s secret to weight loss,” this tea is consumed widely throughout Taiwan after a meal to help aid digestion and assimilation. The combination of hot water, used to help food digest, tannins, which helps coat the digestive tract, and caffeine, which helps stimulate the digestive system, make this tea ideal to drink after a meal.

Pu-erh Tea

Having issues getting controlling your cholesterol levels? Pu-erh tea is believed to help lower the bad cholesterol in our bodies. Try drinking a cup of pu-erh tea after a meal to reap the benefits.

Looking for a great overall tea that aids in performance, alertness and health? I recommend our Endurance Tea. This stimulative blend was developed to condition the body by neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals, oxygenating the blood, promoting circulation, and increasing the body’s overall resilience for quicker recovery after exercise.

Please note that we do not make any medical claims regarding tea and health benefits. Consult your doctor if you have any medical issues, or before starting any weight-loss plan.

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