

5 Easy Ways to Burn More Calories During the Day

Lack of time is one of the top reasons people cite for skipping daily exercise. No matter who you are or what you do for a living, it seems as if everyone is busier these days. It’s easy to have

Is a Paleo Diet Good for Weight Loss? | Ask the Dietitian

Whether you’re simply dabbling in Paleo cooking with flourless almond butter brownies and stir-fried cauliflower rice or adopting the diet in its entirety, it’s clear that the Paleo lifestyle is

Can You Really Be Overweight and Still Be Fit?

“Fit” is a loaded word without a standard definition. Ask a doctor, and they’ll cite stats about metabolic health. Ask an athlete, and they’ll measure fitness by triathlon times and PRs. Ask a m

A Beginners Guide to Your Metabolism

Contrary to popular belief, the majority of your daily calorie burn doesn’t come from puddles of sweat after a tough workout. Calorie burn is driven by your metabolism. Metabolism is the entire

The Science Behind Why Water Is Good for Weight Loss

We all know that hydration is important — especially in the scorching summer months. Getting your standard eight glasses a day can help you stay cool, hydrated and energized through even the mos

4 Weight-Loss Tips Inspired by Brazil

Get your samba on, because Brazil is shaping up in a big way. While obesity is increasingly becoming a health crisis throughout South America, that continent’s biggest and most populous nation i

9 Summer Activities that Burn Calories

Long summer days spent licking ice cream cones at the beach and backyard barbecues are the last places you want to have to think about your diet. Unfortunately, they’re also the places you’re mo

3 Simple Things You Can Do Every Day To Burn More Calories

Burning calories does not have to involve a trip to the gym. Sure, fitting in a workout is nice if you can find the time. But sometimes you can’t—either because of a heavy workload, personal com

5 Common Weight-Loss Blunders

Most lackluster weight-loss results have nothing to do with the absence of willpower and everything to do with misinformation. Here are five common mistakes that stand between people and weight-

3 Ways Your Breakfast Is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

Whether you’re a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess or a criminal, you’ve got to start the day off right. Inspired by the timeless classic The Breakfast Club, we took a look at what th


Off to School and Into a New Routine

Off to School and Into a New RoutineThe fall season is met with many transitions, from cooler weather to time changes to more time spent indoors. Among these transitions is the immediate shift from pa

Trick-or-Treat for a Cause

Trick-or-Treat for a CauseOrange pumpkins on doorsteps and orange candy corn in buckets are iconic staples of Halloween, but the season can be about more than fun and treats. Since 1950, generations o

Trending Gifts Topping Wish Lists this Year

Trending Gifts Topping Wish Lists this YearNostalgia often runs deep during the holidays, and retro gifts are one way to relive the holiday celebrations of your childhood. Make your list and check it