

8 Ways to Connect Virtually Through Walking

Whether it’s the current pandemic or other obligations keeping you away from family and friends this year, it’s st

Boost Your Mood (and Health) With a Positive Walking Pattern

When you’re excited or receive good news, you’re probably walking with a spring in your step, while when you’re up

Pole-Walking Techniques to Help Burn More Calories

Unlike trekking poles used by hikers or other walkers to increase stability and balance, poles used for Nordic wal

11 Effective Walking Programs to Jumpstart 2021

There are so many reasons to love walking for exercise — it’s easy on the joints, can be done anywhere, supports w

8 Ways a Walk Is Better Than a Run

It’s easy to assume that because it’s a more intense form of exercise, running is always better than walking. But

18 Reasons Why You Need to Walk More

You might already be walking regularly, even daily, but are you actually moving enough? Movement expert Katy Bowma

Your Guide to Go From the Couch to Walking a 5K

With this walking guide, you’ll safely and gradually progress from little-to-no regular exercise to a 5K (approxim

10 Top Walking-Friendly Events

Walking offers a multitude of health benefits from improved heart health and weight loss to reduced stress levels

4 Ways to Walk That Rival a Gym Workout

Working out at the gym can be a great way to get in shape and relieve stress, but sometimes it’s worth it to switc

4 Ways to Overcome a Walking Plateau

Walking is a great way to improve cardio fitness and help with weight loss, but both beginners and more advanced w


Off to School and Into a New Routine

Off to School and Into a New RoutineThe fall season is met with many transitions, from cooler weather to time changes to more time spent indoors. Among these transitions is the immediate shift from pa

Trick-or-Treat for a Cause

Trick-or-Treat for a CauseOrange pumpkins on doorsteps and orange candy corn in buckets are iconic staples of Halloween, but the season can be about more than fun and treats. Since 1950, generations o

Trending Gifts Topping Wish Lists this Year

Trending Gifts Topping Wish Lists this YearNostalgia often runs deep during the holidays, and retro gifts are one way to relive the holiday celebrations of your childhood. Make your list and check it