

5 Breakfast Ideas That Will Energize Your Day

Not everyone likes to eat breakfast, though this is the most important meal in the day. Here are some alternative breakfast ideas!

How Knowing Your Insulin Levels Can Help You Prevent More than Diabetes After 60

Diabetes is one of those medical conditions that affect many people after 60. Let's explore the benefits of knowing your insulin levels.

Why You Shouldn’t Do a Weight Loss Challenge or Quick Start Program

Short-term weight loss challenges and quick start programs sure sound tempting. But you know what? They just don't work, and here's why.

There's More to Healthy Bones Than Calcium!

Healthy bones - along with healthy anything - is what we're striving for. Besides calcium, what else is out there to try?

4 Easy and Achievable Practices to Guide You to a Longer, Healthier Life

Are you living a healthy life that is purposeful and rich in positive experiences? That can contribute to your longevity!

Do You Love Wearing White in Winter?

I'm sure we all remember the "rules" that governed how to dress as we were growing up. I realize that it's hard to change our thinking about something we've heard over and over throughout life. However, I do feel like it's important to be open to new ideas and styles, too. It keeps us young and modern!

3 Ways to Add Red to Your Outfits as a Mature Woman – from the Bold to the Subtle

“I want to wear red, but it scares me to stand out!” I’ve been designing clothing for women – specifically in plus sizes – for decades. And this common refrain about wearing red...

Shed 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes? What to Do if You’re Struggling to Lose Weight After 60

Sounds impossible, right?! Wrong! It’s very possible. Let me explain ... As we grow older and our body takes on different forms and dimensions (we become shape shifters), we may continue to dress as we always have, not realising it just doesn’t work anymore...

4 Amazing Brands that You Can Find Exclusively at QVC

Ok, I admit it. I LOVE to shop online. Of course, like most of you, I still get out into the real world to window shop and, from time to time, I enjoy browsing through style magazines. But, when the time comes to part with my hard-earned money, I know that I will find the best deals online...

How to Tie a Scarf Like a Pro: Older Women Rock the Style

For anyone, really, but particularly for those of us over 60, wearing a beautiful scarf is a fabulous and very effective way to brighten up, freshen up, and liven up any outfit. It can also complete a look. That’s the thing about good accessories...


Off to School and Into a New Routine

Off to School and Into a New RoutineThe fall season is met with many transitions, from cooler weather to time changes to more time spent indoors. Among these transitions is the immediate shift from pa

Trick-or-Treat for a Cause

Trick-or-Treat for a CauseOrange pumpkins on doorsteps and orange candy corn in buckets are iconic staples of Halloween, but the season can be about more than fun and treats. Since 1950, generations o

Trending Gifts Topping Wish Lists this Year

Trending Gifts Topping Wish Lists this YearNostalgia often runs deep during the holidays, and retro gifts are one way to relive the holiday celebrations of your childhood. Make your list and check it